新闻 - 事件
Thứ 2, Ngày 30/08/2010, 05:06
President Nguyen Minh Triet and Head of Republic of Kalmykia to visit Binh Duong Province
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BEGIC – August 30, HE Nguyen Minh Triet – President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam and HE Kirsan Ilyumzhinov – Head of Republic of Kalmykia of Soviet Union and Chairman of World Chess Federation (FIDE) visited Binh Duong Province on the occasion of HE Kirsan’s visit to some Asian countries.
Participants as Binh Duong Province’s representatives were Secretary Mr. Mai The Trung, Chairman Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Ms. Tran Thi Kim Van, Permanent Vice Chairman of People's Committee Mr. Le Thanh Cung and leaders of provincial departments and offices.

Republic of Kalmykia is situated in the southern of Soviet Union with the area of 76,100 km2 and the population of more than 292 thousand people. Kalmykia is a agriculture-based country, enhanced with wealthy reserves of oil and gas, which is the key strength to bring the country prosperity in the future.

At the meeting, Chairman Nguyen Hoang Son made a brief introduction to the President and his delegation on some recent achievements of Binh Duong Province in economy and national security; and social policies for workers.
Impressed on the achievements of Binh Duong Province in recent years, HE Kirsan Ilyumzhinov highly appreciated the results of implementation of social policies for workers and reduction of the poverty rate. He hoped for future cooperation with Binh Duong Province to develop agriculture and other industries.
The meeting was followed by a site tour to Binh Duong New City and Eastern International University.
Quynh Thanh - Photo: Hoang Pham
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