新闻 - 事件
Thứ 6, Ngày 24/09/2010, 03:22
“Information Technology Application in resources and environment in Vietnam’s southern provinces and cities” Seminar
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BEGIC - September 24,to investigate the situation and get opinions on lawful document projects and plans of applying information technology (IT) into natural resources and environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment organized “Information Technology Application in resources and environment in Vietnam’s southern provinces and cities” Seminar at Binh Duon...
Currently, Departments of Natural Resources and Environment (DONREs) founded Information Center or IT Center, applied the Quality Management System under ISO 9001:2008 Vietnam Standard, constructed local area network connecting to provincial people’s committees through special network of data transfer; designed their own website reflecting DONREs’ activities.
Mr. Nguyen Van Duc - Permanent Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment  
59/63 provinces and cities are sponsored machines, computing items, technology and software training and transfer by the government through Ministry of Natural resources and Environment, typically: Ho Chi Minh city with the construction of information system for land management on GIS (Vn CIS), Long An province with the design of Standard data, Webmap data portal, etc.
In Binh Duong province, since 2009, Information Technology – Natural Resources, Environment Archives Center has designed software applications creating virtual private network connecting Binh Duong DONRE and its units: document management and archives store management software; detailed plan information management software; data and work processing management software over LAN. Furthermore,  some modules are effectively modified: Automatically partial design planned land’s technical document, draw housing situation, etc.
At the seminar, representatives of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Information Technology Agency presented some joint circular drafts on Information Technology Application in the environmental and information in the coming time.
Nhat Phuong
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