新闻 - 事件
Thứ 4, Ngày 28/08/2013, 11:39
Meeting of Construction Departments of provinces and cities of Eastern and Western Regions 2013 in Binh Duong province
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TTĐT - Morning- August 23rd, at Song Be golf course (Lai Thieu Ward, Thuan An town) held the meeting of Construction Departments of Eastern and Western Regions 2013.
Deputy Head of Construction Ministry office in Ho Chi Minh City Hoang Vinh Toan, Head of Department of National construction quality control Le Quang Hung, Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Liem attended the event.
The purpose of meeting is aiming to enhance the cooperation, experience exchange of construction management contributing to the comprehensive development of construction in localities. This is the annual activity of Construction Departments of provinces and cities in the Eastern and Western regions.
            Binh Duong Construction Department Director Nguyen ThanhTai giving the opening speech
According to Mr. Nguyen ThanhTai, Director of Binh Duong Construction Department, the principal contents comprise of sharing experiences on real estate market management and development, urban expansion with the green architecture in coordination with clean industry, construction quality and materials management, encouraging the use of non annealed building materials.
Binh Duong Construction Department Vice Director Le Phu Cuong
Sharing experiences of urban development having green architecture with clean industry, Binh Duong Construction Department Vice Director Le Phu Cuong said that located in the Key Southern Economic Zone, Binh Duong is planning, constructing effectively social economic infrastructure of the Southeast region and southern provinces with orientation “Building green urban with clean industry”. In the previous time, Binh Duong province has encouraged the building materials harmoniously with environment including using non-annealed brick made from refused material; use glue instead of concrete mortar; improve river and canal system, pavement… with grass and green tree. Implemented “Green industry” , the province constructed the concentrated waste water treatment system, deployed homogenously the waste water collection and treatment system, moved pollutant factory out of residential region.
At the meeting, Department of National construction quality control also deploys Decree No. 15/2013/ND-CP dated February 06th, 2013 of the Government on managing construction and Circular No. 10/2013/TT-BXD dated July 25th, 2013 of Construction Ministry on guiding the Decree No. 15/2013/ND-CP.
Head of Department of National construction quality control Le Quang Hung deployed the Decree No. 15/2013/ND-CP
  Hoang Pham
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