新闻 - 事件
Thứ 5, Ngày 15/08/2013, 03:44
JICA working on Public Transport Improvement system in Binh Duong province
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BEGIC - August 13th, at the provincial office, Binh Duong People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung had a meeting with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on improving the public transport system in Binh Duong province.
Participants were representatives of departments, branches, Thu Dau Mot, Thuan An and Di An People’s Committees, Becamex IDC. and Becamex Tokyu.
The purpose is to limit the private means of transport, encourage the public transport use, contributing to construct the safe transport and minimize the environmental pollution. The chosen mean of public transport is bus because it is high mobile, could carry a high number of passengers and low cost than subway. In addition, the project also contributes to ameliorate the quality of drivers and their assistant and have a chance to apply the modern technique in bus management as well as in electronic card system and itineraries management…
The project objective is to encourage the use of public mean of transport
The project is implemented by JICA in coordination with Tokyu Corporation (Japan). JICA will support the technique in researching the feasibility of the project (technical cooperation project) and the capital with low interest loan or non- refundable capital.
Initially, the main bus line will be deployed connecting Thu Dau Mot City and Binh Duong new City (the Industrial- Urban - Service Complex). Then, bus line system will be constructed within Binh Duong New City Center, construct the rapid bus transit (RBT) line for the intinarery of My Phuoc - Tan Van.
Mr. Yukio Ishida - Director of JICA Liaison office in Ho Chi Minh City
Mr. Yukio Ishida - Director of JICA Liaison office in Ho Chi Minh City highly appreciated the feasibility of the project which will clear the pending matter of the current situation of transport system in Binh Duong province. Once finishing, the technical cooperation project will contribute to enhance the quality of the human resources in the next phase of the project. In order to the successful project, Mr. Yukio Ishida requested provincial authorities to choose the capable constructors.
Chairman Le Thanh Cung
On behalf of provincial authorities, Provincial People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung expressed the sincere thanks to JICA for choosing Bin Duong province to deploy the project. The deployment will enhance the public transport service especially the connection among Thu Dau Mot City and Binh Duong New City center and neighbor regions.
In term of policy, Binh Duong province had reported generally the project to Prime Minister and the project are supported. The change from private means of transport to public ones is really difficult but Binh Duong still is determined to implement this project (by planning the public transport system, assigning the works for each organization, department from project construction to its implementation).
Hoang Pham
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