新闻 - 事件
Thứ 2, Ngày 19/01/2015, 01:51
Local leaders working with leaders of Dutch city of Eindhoven
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BEGIC - On Jan. 15, Tran Van Nam, vice chairman of the provincial People’s Committee paid a working session with the delegation of the Dutch city of Eindhoven led by Mrs. Mary - Ann Schreurs, vice mayor of Eindhoven city at the provincial People’s Committee office.
At the working session, Tran Van Nam briefed the guests on Binh Duong’s socio-economic situation and said that the Netherlands has thus far had 20 projects, capitalized US$478.5mil, ranking the 8th among 38 nations and territories investing in Binh Duong province. Holland enterprises are under good operation in the province.    
The vice chairman added that Binh Duong has continued to urge foreign enterprises to invest in hi-tech production field. Therefore, the local administration applauded Holland enterprises and Eindhoven city administration’s investment in Binh Duong.   
On behalf of Eindhoven city administration, Mrs. Mary Ann Schreurs highly appreciated Binh Duong’s dynamic development, especially traffic infrastructure and foreign investment attraction. She added that Binh Duong’s development orientation is very suitable to Eindhoven city’s orientation.  
The two sides believed in friendship relation and good cooperation between Vietnam Socialist Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands in general and Binh Duong provincial administration and Eindhoven city administration in particular.
The signing ceremony of friendship cooperation between Binh Duong province and Eindhoven city will take place on Jan. 16, marking a new development in relation of the two localities.
Reported by Mai Xuân – Translated by A.C
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