Digital signature is an electric signature basing on public key encryption (RSA) and public key infrastructure (PKI). Meanwhile, RSA includes a private key and a public key; PKI includes Registration Authority (RA, IA) and Certificate Authority of Digital Certificate (Digital Certificate is the “Identification certificate” in computing environment – Internet)
Digital signature in electronic environment is as valid as an ordinary signature on papers and documents; and can be used in transactions to e-trading, investment and online payment, etc. It can be used in tax declaration, tax payment and customs declaration, etc.
Currently, there have been some suppliers of digital signature and digital certificate service such as the Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications (VNPT), Network Security Center (BKIS), Nacencomm (Nacencomm card Technology JSC), etc.
The workshop introduced the audience to digital signature; role of digital signature in electronic tax declaration, certification services and guided the enterprises to submit tax declarations via the Internet (at Tax Department of Binh Duong Province).
Quynh Thanh - Photo: Hoang Pham