新闻 - 事件
Thứ 7, Ngày 21/08/2010, 09:33
Seminar on “E-commerce Road”: Application of E-commerce on the platform of Cloud Computing
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BEGIC - As part of the seminar series to consult and support the effective application of E-commerce for enterprises, in the morning of August 21, Vietnam Data Communications Company (VDC) – member of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications (VNPT) cooperated with Vinapo to hold the seminar on “E-commerce Road” for local enterprises at Dai Nam Theme Park.
The seminar brought a modern view to get access to and to apply E-commerce in enterprise’s communications on the basic of Cloud Computing.
At the seminar, VDC introduced Mega Web 2 (Web Showcase 1.5), an application built Cloud Computing platform. This application is a website building solution for small and medium enterprises with many unique features, integrated multi-performance and easy of management. It can help enterprise to communicate effectively at optimal cost. In addition, enterprises can proactively post information of products and service into website anytime and anywhere.
The organizer also provided participants free consultancy and financial support to apply professional E-commerce and server solution.
Hoang Pham
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