新闻 - 事件
Thứ 5, Ngày 21/10/2010, 05:12
Shinhan Vietnam Bank to open Binh Duong branch office
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BEGIC - Oct 21, Shinhan Vietnam Bank opened its branch office in Binh Duong province at Minh Sang Plaza, Director of Vietnam’s State Bank in Binh Duong province – Mr. Bui Van Nu attended and cut the opening ribbons.
Shinhan Bank (Republic of Korea) has officially operated in Vietnam since 1993; in 2009 it was established as a 100% foreign-invested bank; in Aug 2010, Shinhan Vietnam Bank opened its branch office in Hanoi. Shinhan Bank is considered as a leading bank in South Korea with more than 1000 branch offices within the country and has the legal status in 14 countries including Vietnam, Japan, the USA, etc.
Shinhan Vietnam – Binh Duong Branch will provide services such as: deposit, domestic and overseas remittance, personal and corporate loan and guarantee, import – export service, etc.
Hoang Pham
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