新闻 - 事件
Thứ 4, Ngày 07/01/2015, 01:52
Southeastern Trade and Industry Fair – Handicrafts Exhibition 2014: Meets the demand of enterprises and consumers
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BEGIC - At the fair, enterprises advertised and supplied high quality goods to customers. It can be said that the fair met the expectation of enterprises and customers, especially workers.

Attracted more than 150,000 visitors

Mr. Vo Van Cu, Director of the Industry and Trade Department quoted that the Southeastern Trade and Industry Fair – Handicrafts Exhibition 2014 is the first fair to be held in Binh Duong New City, with 600 booths from 250 domestic companies and organizations nationwide. The fair showcased high quality, typical products and specialites of Binh Duong province and other localities, including crafts, food, fashion, mechanics, electronics, technological accessories products.


  Visitors shopping handicraft products at Ba Nhat Cooperative (Tan Uyen Town) (photo: Song Tra)

The six-day fair lured approximately 150,000 visitors. Statistically, the total money of commercial transaction was more than VND 18 billion. Besides the enterprises were looking for new partners to develop a distribution system in Binh Duong province. Some top selling items are: clothes, consumer goods, handicrafts, wooden products… Some enterprises also signed the memorandum of understanding or commercial contract with their partners, especially on agricultural machinery and wooden products.

The fair provided opportunities, helping organizations, enterprises to promote their high-quality products and to boost investment, cooperation as well as exchange. Simultaneously, businesses also promoted trade, investment through finding partners, expanding markets and introducing scientific and technological advances in production, allowing consumers to access to high-quality products and services. This is also an opportunity for Binh Duong province to introduce its Binh Duong New City and the Administration Center. Additionally, through this fair, the provincial authorities implemented successfully the campaign "Vietnamese people give priority to Vietnamese goods”, launched by the Political Bureau.

 Ho Van (BinhDuong Newspaper)

Translated by Đ.T

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